Sunday, February 8, 2009

write what you know?

I just realized I don't know anything about anything. I'm trying to rework some of my old stories and they're so thin and vague. If I can only write what I know, which seems to be the case, I probably should have tried to do some different things with my life these past few years. As it stands, I'm qualified to write from the perspective of a depressed clinical research associate, a depressed college student, or, if I really want to spread my wings, a depressed high school student. I can't remember anything before that, and I can't seem to imagine anything different. I guess I worked in a warehouse for a day or two, and at Papa John's for a while. But still.

I guess it's time to start hanging out with other people and stealing their life stories. I feel bad about it, believe me I do. I dated a guy in high school who worked at a nail polish factory. Doesn't that sound awful? I need to track that guy down and ask him about it. I imagine the fumes are terrible, constant headaches, maybe people fainting? These are the kinds of things I wonder about. Why have I kept the same job for almost 6 years? What terrible planning on my part! I should have been a depressed factory worker, a depressed substitute teacher, a depressed stripper, a depressed barista! I must become more interesting! I must!

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