Sunday, February 8, 2009

bummer, dude

My head has been hurting again. I guess I was sort of hoping I was cured, but no such luck. The weather was nice today and I thought about going to the park, but I just did laundry and slept instead. I guess I was just really hopeful about seeing those weird doctors and taking all these supplements and cutting gluten out of diet and all that. I was just hoping there was some medical reason why my brain never does what I want it to. I guess I'm lucky to be alive now and not like 50 years ago, when my only option would have been electroconvulsive therapy. I've heard it's really not as bad as it sounds though.

Have to workshop a story for my online class in two weeks. I'm planning to revise as old story for the first workshop, but I hope to have something new for the second one. I'm still having trouble writing. I have to get over it though, or else this plan is not going to work. Moving back to Ohio and then not going to grad school would be like double failure. But I am looking forward to being able to go to my 10 year high school reunion and say that I'm unemployed.


  1. Smoking is really dangerous. I tried to take up smoking shortly after moving here, and I ended up setting my porch on fire. Everyone is all like "lung cancer, emphesema, stoke, blah blah blah", but people rarely mention the very real danger of burning your apartment building to the ground.

  2. Chaeper than therapy, more soothing than a nervous breakdown.
